In meeting the changing needs of production space, with each phase of industrialisation, the architecture of the production facility is designed for future change. One idea is that of an elevated skybridge air rights structure which can be developed in a transverse or longitudinal axis over existing buildings. This land intensification strategy has added advantages of providing new opportunities for mixed used developments with new urban linkages to existing urban networks. The increase in connectivity also allows the addition of new shaded sky terraces at interfacing zones above the road level. The effect of the new buildings in reducing overall solar gains to the site and in enhancing urban wind flow is a further advantage in mitigating the urban heat island effect in industrial estates.
Design investigations generated supporting strategies and solutions to skybridge air rights structure over Ayer Rajah Crescent Site. In determining support and builder’s staging locations for the new structure, available zones adjacent to existing building were identified to establish possible spanning directions of the bridge building(s). In this respect the smallest possible area of core footprints and their numbers were also governed by fire safety requirements with possible linkages to the rooftops of existing buildings. Spanning directions of the skybridge air rights structures were also determined by the usability of new overhead building blocks enclosing new outdoor courtyards and rooftop gardens as landscaped elements and providers of shade, daylight and natural ventilation to the site. The support locations to interior spaces of skybridges was determined by a range of tenancy requirements of knowledge industries accommodated in the One North masterplan.
For a copy of the Skybridge I Air Rights Structure research project publication, please contact Dr Joseph Lim @